
Facial Aesthetics

Bariatrics & Aesthetics located in Greenbelt and Germantown, MD
Facial Aesthetics

Facial Aesthetics services offered in Greenbelt and Germantown, MD

Looking younger doesn’t require surgery or needles anymore. At Transform Bariatrics in Germantown and Greenbelt, Maryland, Hitesh P. Amin, MD, provides state-of-the-art facial aesthetic treatments from the Exion® platform, including Emface® — a revolutionary facial lifting and toning solution. Schedule your consultation at the office closest to you today to learn which treatment is best.

What is facial aesthetics?

Facial aesthetics improves how your face looks without surgery. It includes treatments that can make you look more youthful, fix problem areas, or enhance your natural features.

These treatments smooth wrinkles, tighten sagging skin, and restore lost volume. Unlike plastic surgery, you don’t need weeks to recover; most people return to their lives immediately.

Some people start these treatments to prevent aging signs, while others use them to address problems they already have. The goal is to help you look like yourself but more refreshed.

What facial aesthetic treatments are available?

Transform Bariatrics specializes in noninvasive facial rejuvenation treatments that deliver noticeable results without surgery or needles. The advanced options include treatments from the Exion platform, featuring Emface, designed to lift, tone, and refresh appearances with minimal downtime.

Exion platform

The Exion® platform includes various treatment options, offering targeted facial contouring using advanced technology, like radiofrequency microneedling, to strengthen facial muscles and improve skin elasticity. These noninvasive treatments help restore youthful contours, particularly in the cheek and jawline areas.


Emface is the flagship treatment of the Exion platform that simultaneously targets facial muscles and skin. Using a combination of radiofrequency and electrical stimulation, it lifts and tones while reducing wrinkles. 

This needle-free solution requires no recovery time, with sessions typically lasting 30 minutes. Most patients achieve optimal results after four treatments.

Should I try facial aesthetics before or after losing weight?

It depends on how much weight you plan to lose. Small weight changes (under 10 pounds) won’t dramatically affect facial treatments. But with large weight loss goals, waiting is best since losing weight changes facial volume and structure.

When you lose weight, you might notice more sagging skin or hollowness in certain areas. Getting treatments before significant weight loss could result in you not looking the same after you’ve reached your goal.

It’s usually best to wait until your weight has been stable for at least 2-3 months. This period gives your body time to adjust and allows for more predictable, longer-lasting results from treatments like Emface®.

Dr. Amin can help determine the right timing for your situation during a consultation.

Ready to see how facial aesthetics can upgrade your appearance without surgery? Call Transform Bariatrics today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.