
Gastric Bypass

Bariatrics & Aesthetics located in Greenbelt and Germantown, MD
Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass services offered in Greenbelt and Germantown, MD

When you’re not able to lose weight on your own but are at risk for obesity-related complications, you may be a candidate for gastric bypass. At Transform Bariatrics, with offices in Germantown, and Greenbelt, Maryland, experienced specialist Hitesh P Amin, MD, designs custom surgical plans for gastric bypass procedures for quick and safe weight loss. Call the Transform Bariatrics office or book an appointment online today to learn more about the benefits of gastric bypass for weight loss.

Gastric Bypass Q&A

What is gastric bypass?

Gastric bypass is a type of weight loss surgery that changes how your stomach and small intestine process food.

The Transform Bariatrics team customizes a surgical plan to make your stomach smaller. They use medical staples to divide your stomach into two smaller sections or pouches. The upper pouch is the size of a walnut and becomes the new location for food to go to after you eat.

The pouch holds about one ounce of food, so you can only eat small amounts. By decreasing the size of your stomach, your physician can help you lose weight quickly and safely.

During gastric bypass surgery, Dr. Amin also connects a part of your small intestine to a small hole in the newly formed pouch. 

As you eat, food travels from the pouch into the new opening before entering your small intestine. This process causes your body to absorb fewer calories when you eat, which supports successful weight loss.

Am I a candidate for gastric bypass?

You may be a candidate for gastric bypass surgery if you’re obese and can’t lose weight through dietary changes and routine exercises.

The team at Transform Bariatrics can determine if gastric bypass is right for you based on your overall health. You may qualify for surgery if your body mass index (BMI) is over 40, you have obesity-related conditions like Type 2 diabetes, and your expectations for post-surgical results are reasonable.

For gastric bypass surgery to be successful, you will need to change what you eat and how much you eat. Following surgery, you can expect to make other lifestyle changes to help you maintain your weight loss results long-term and prevent post-surgical complications.

How long does it take to recover from gastric bypass?

Because a gastric bypass requires surgery under general anesthesia, you can expect to stay in the hospital for a few days after surgery.

Dr. Amin may recommend that you move around as soon as possible after surgery. They may place a tube through your nose that helps drain fluids from your intestines, and you won’t be able to eat for 1-3 days.

Based on your recovery, you can expect to start a liquid diet soon after and then a soft food diet. Dr. Amin can help you address any post-surgical pain to keep you comfortable and recommend when it’s safe for you to return to your usual activities based on your recovery progress.

You can expect to lose 10-20 pounds each month during the first year after a gastric bypass. Your weight loss will begin to decrease over time, but the Transform Bariatrics team can help you make changes to your diet and exercise plan to help you reach your ideal weight loss goals.

To find out if you’re a candidate for gastric bypass surgery, call the Transform Bariatrics office nearest you or book an appointment online today.